15. What's in a Name? (Part 15 of 34)

The “naming” process was proving to be more frustrating than anticipated. It wasn’t that Matthew, Jared, and Stan couldn’t think of anything interesting. It’s just that their options weren’t original or imaginative enough.

Connie’s email with name ideas for the show.

“I’ll bet Connie would have some ideas,” Stan suggested. “She’s pretty good with that kind of stuff.”

If you know Connie Crawley, then you know her imagination affords her the unique ability to pull interesting words from seemingly nowhere. In Stan’s mind, she was the perfect person to bestow an appropriate moniker on the new show. So that night, he typed up an email and fired it off to his friend.

The very next day, he received a list of unique possibilities.

“Here are some ideas you can play with,” read the subject line from Connie’s email. The 22nd option on the list jumped out immediately.

Matthew, Jared, and Stan all agreed - this was a name they had never heard before.


14. "Okay, So There's This Flying Library" (Part 14 of 34)


16. Building a Set (Part 16 of 34)