4. Cleaning House (Part 4 of 34)

“Do we need this?” Jared asks his brother as he holds up yet another unidentifiable piece of film gear. The room was littered with relics from a bygone era of movie production. 

Brothers Young Studios in the middle of cleanup.

With the world shut down and nothing but free time, Matthew and Jared had decided it was time to clean out the studio they’d owned for nearly a decade. However, years of accumulated props and equipment have turned the ample space into something more akin to a Hollywood junk closet. 

“If we don’t need it, get rid of it,” Matthew replies. “We have to be ruthless.”

Despite everything, the pandemic had provided the twins with the rare opportunity to do a hard reset. For years, the brothers dreamed of returning to their production roots: children’s shows. In fact, back in their 20’s, the brothers had made a modest name for themselves producing content for the likes of Phil Vischer (Veggietales). But somewhere along the way, life and bills had gotten in the way, just as they always do. 

As Matthew hauls another mysterious load of junk to the dumpster, his phone vibrates. “Matthew, it’s Stan Tucker. I need your help with something.” (to be continued)


3. Quarantine (Part 3 of 34)


5. Lights, Camera, Read (Part 5 of 34)